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Engilberge, S., Rennie, M.L., Dumont, E., Crowley, P.B. "Tuning Protein Frameworks via Auxiliary Supramolecular Interactions" ACS Nano., 13(9): 10343-10350. (2019).
Fabrèges, X., Petit, S., Brubach, J.B., Roy, P., Deutsch, M., Ivanov, A., Pinsard-Gaudart, L., Simonet, V., Ballou, R., De Brion, S. "Interplay between spin dynamics and crystal field in the multiferroic compound HoMnO3" Physical Review B., 100(9): art.n° 094437. (2019).
Hall, J., Ehlen, N., Berges, J., van Loon, E., van Efferen, C., Murray, C., Rösner, M., Li, J., Senkovskiy, B.V., Hell, M., Rolf, M., Heider, T., Asensio, M.C., Avila, J., Plucinski, L., Wehling, T., Grüneis, A., Michely, T. "Environmental Control of Charge Density Wave Order in Monolayer 2H-TaS2" ACS Nano., 13(9): 10210-10220. (2019).
Krause, B., Abadias, G., Furgeaud, C., Michel A., Resta, A., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A., Hauschild, D., Baumbach, T. "Interfacial silicide formation and stress evolution during sputter deposition of ultrathin Pd layers on a-Si". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces., on line first (24/09/2019): (2019).
Lebert, B.W., Gorni, T., Casula, M., Klotz, S., Baudelet, F., Ablett, J.M., Hansen, T.C., Juhin, A., Polian, A., Munsch, P., Le Marchand, G., Zhang, Z., Rueff, J.P., d’Astuto, M. "Epsilon iron as a spin-smectic state". PNAS., on line first (24/09/2019): (2019).
Bakail, M., Gaubert, A., Andreani, J., Moal, G., Pinna, G., Boyarchuk, E., Gaillard, M.C., Courbeyrette, R., Mann, C., Thuret, J.Y., Guichard, B., Murciano, B., Richet, N., Poitou, A., Frederic, C., Le Du, M.H., Agez, M., Roelants, C., Gurard-Levin, Z.A., Almouzni, G., Cherradi, N., Guerois, R., Ochsenbein, F. "Design on a Rational Basis of High-Affinity Peptides Inhibiting the Histone Chaperone ASF1". Cell Chemical Biology., on line first (20/09/2019): (2019).
Das, S., Carmona, A., Khatua, K., Porcaro, F., Somogyi, A., Ortega, R., Datta, A. "Manganese Mapping Using a Fluorescent Mn2+ Sensor and Nanosynchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Reveals the Role of the Golgi Apparatus as a Manganese Storage Site". Inorganic Chemistry., on line first (11/09/2019): (2019).
Talavera, A., Tamman, H., Ainelo, A., Konijnenberg, A., Hadži, S., Sobott, F., Garcia-Pino, A., Hõrak, R., Loris, R. "A dual role in regulation and toxicity for the disordered N-terminus of the toxin GraT" Nature Communications., 10: art.n° 972. (2019).
Monier, G., Hoggan, P.E., Bideux, L., Paget, D., Mehdi, H., Kubsky, S., Dumas, P., Robert-Goumet, C. "DFT and experimental FTIR investigations of early stages of (001) and (111)B GaAs surface nitridation" Applied Surface Science., 465: 787-794. (2019).
Ratié, G., Vantelon, D., Lotfi Kalahroodi, E., Bihannic, I., Pierson-Wickmann, A.C., Davranche, M. "Iron speciation at the riverbank surface in wetland and potential impact on the mobility of trace metals" Science of The Total Environment., 651(1): 443-455. (2019).