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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 17/11/2024
E.g., 17/11/2024
Filonik, O., Thordardottir, M.E., Lebert, J., Pröller, S., Weiß, S., Haur, L.J., Priyadarshi, A., Fontaine, P., Müller-Buschbaum, P., Mathews, N., Herzig, E.M. "Evolution of Perovskite Crystallization in Printed Mesoscopic Perovskite Solar Cells" Energy Technology., 7(10): art.n° 1900343. (2019).
Link, S., Forti, S., Stöhr, A., Küster, K., Rösner, M., Hirschmeier, D., Chen, C., Avila, J., Asensio, M.C., Zakharov, A.A., Wehling, T.O., Lichtenstein, A.I., Katsnelson, M.I., Starke, U. "Introducing strong correlation effects into graphene by gadolinium intercalation" Physical Review B., 100(12): art.n° 121407. (2019).
Berrah, N., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Jurek, Z., Obaid, R., Xiong, H., Squibb, R.J., Osipov, T., Lutman, A., Fang, L., Barillot, T.R., Bozek, J.D., Cryan, J.P., Wolf, T.J.A., Rolles, D., Coffee, R., Schnorr, K., Augustin, S., Fukuzawa, H., Motomura, K., Niebuhr, N., Frasinski, L.J., Feifel, R., Schulz, C.P., Toyota, K., Son, S.K., Ueda, K., Pfeifer, T., Marangos, J.P., Santra, R.  "Femtosecond-resolved observation of the fragmentation of buckminsterfullerene following X-ray multiphoton ionization". Nature Physics., on line first (01/10/2019): (2019).
Dewaele, A., Rosa, A.D., Guignot, N. "Argon-neon binary diagram and ArNe2 Laves phase" Journal of Chemical Physics., 151(12): art.n° 124708. (2019).
Jansson, M., Lenton, S., Plivelic, T.S., Skepö, M. "Intercalation of cationic peptides within Laponite layered clay minerals in aqueous suspensions: The effect of stoichiometry and charge distance matching" Journal of Colloid and Interface Science., 557: 767-776. (2019).
Lindenberg, P., Ruiz Arana, L., Mahnke, L.K., Rönfeldt, P., Heidenreich, N., Doungmo, G., Guignot, N., Bean, R., Chapman, H.N., Dierksmeyer, D., Knoska, J., Kuhn, M., Garrevoet, J., Mariani, V., Oberthuer, D., Pande, K., Stern, S., Tolstikova, A., White, T.A., Beyerlein, K.R., Terraschke, H. "New insights into the crystallization of polymorphic materials: from real-time serial crystallography to luminescence analysis" Reaction Chemistry & Engineering., 4(10): 1757-1767. (2019).
Maurice, F., Pérébaskine, N., Thore, S., Fribourg, S. "In vitro dimerization of human RIO2 kinase" RNA Biology., 16(11): 1633-1642. (2019).
Nguyen, L., Olchowka, J., Belin, S., Sanz Camacho, P., Duttine, M., Iadecola, A., Fauth, F., Carlier, D., Masquelier, C., Croguennec, L. "Monitoring the Crystal Structure and the Electrochemical Properties of Na3(VO)2(PO4)2F through Fe3+-Substitution". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces., on line first (30/09/2019): (2019).
Saouessi, M., Peters, J., Kneller, G.R. "Frequency domain modeling of quasielastic neutron scattering from hydrated protein powders: Application to free and inhibited human acetylcholinesterase" Journal of Chemical Physics., 151(12): art.n° 125103. (2019).
Arndt, B., Creutzburg, M., Grånäs, E., Volkov, S., Krausert, K., Vlad, A., Noei, H., Stierle, A. "Water and Atomic Hydrogen Adsorption on Magnetite (001)". Journal of Physical Chemistry C., on line first (27/09/2019): (2019).