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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Campiol Arruda, D., Gonzalez, I.J., Finet, S., Cordova, L., Trichet, V., Ferreira Andrade, G., Hoffmann, C., Bigey, P., de Almeida Macedo, W.A., Da Silva Cunha Jr, A., Malachias de Souza, A., Escriou, V. "Modifying internal organization and surface morphology of siRNA lipoplexes by sodium alginate addition for efficient siRNA delivery" Journal of Colloid and Interface Science., 540: 342-353. (2019).
Leite, J., Gales, L. "Alzheimer's Aβ1‐40 peptide degradation by thermolysin: evidence of inhibition by a C‐terminal Aβ product" FEBS Letters., 593(1): 128-137. (2019).
Faurie, D., Zighem, F., Godard, P., Parry, G., Sadat, T., Thiaudière, D., Renault, P.O. "In situ x-ray diffraction analysis of 2D crack patterning in thin films" Acta Materialia., 165: 177-182. (2019).
Li, S.Z., Vigouroux, A., Ahmar, M., El Sahili, A., Soulère, L., Sago, L., Cornu, D., Moréra, S., Queneau, Y. "Synthesis of a non-natural glucose-2-phosphate ester able to dupe the acc system of Agrobacterium fabrum". Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry., on line first (11/01/2019): (2019).
Wunderer, C.B., Correa, J., Marras, A., Aplin, S., Boitrelle, B., Goettlicher, P., Krivan, F., Kuhn, M., Lange, S., Niemann, M., Okrent, F., Shevyakov, I., Zimmer, M., Guerrini, N., Marsh, B., Sedgwick,, Cautero, G., Giuressi, D., Gregori, I., Pinaroli, G., Menk, R., Stebel, L., Greer, A., Nicholls, T., Pedersen, U.K., Tartoni, N., Hyun, H.J., Kim, K.S., Rah, S.Y., Graafsma, H. "The Percival 2-Megapixel monolithic active pixel imager" Journal of Instrumentation., 14(1): art.n° C01006. (2019).
Wilson, A., Bailly, A., Bernard, R., Borensztein, Y., Coati, A., Croset, B., Cruguel, H., Naitabdi, A., Silly, M.G., Saint-Lager, M.C., Vlad, A., Witkowski, N., Garreau, Y., Prevot, G. "Gas-induced selective re-orientation of Au–Cu nanoparticles on TiO2 (110)" Nanoscale., 11(2): 752-761. (2019).
Wu, L., Tiekink, M., Giuliani, A., Nahon, L., Castellanos, S. "Tuning photoionization mechanisms of molecular hybrid materials for EUV lithography applications". Journal of Materials Chemistry C., on line first (10/12/2018): (2019).
Ratié, G., Quantin, C., Maia De Freitas, A., Echevarria, G., Ponzevera, E., Garnier, J. "The behavior of nickel isotopes at the biogeochemical interface between ultramafic soils and Ni accumulator species" Journal of Geochemical Exploration., 196: 182-191. (2019).
Kuzmin, A., Anspoks, A., Nataf, L., Baudelet, F., Irifune, T. "Influence of pressure and temperature on X-ray induced photoreduction of nanocrystalline CuO" Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences., 55(6): 13-19. (2018).
Kumar, K., Gairola, P., Lions, M., Ranjbar-Sahraie, N., Mermoux, M., Dubau, L., Zitolo, A., Jaouen, F., Maillard, F. "Physical and Chemical Considerations for Improving Catalytic Activity and Stability of Non-Precious Metal Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts" ACS Catalysis., 8(12): 11264–11276. (2018).