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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Singh, R.K., Feller, A., Roovers, M., Van Elder, D., Wauters, L., Droogmans, L., Versées, W. "Structural and biochemical analysis of the dual-specificity Trm10 enzyme from Thermococcus kodakaraensis prompts reconsideration of its catalytic mechanism" RNA., 24(8): 1080-1092. (2018).
Sibille, R., Mazzone, D.G., Ban, V., Mazet, T., François, M. "Chemically-Controlled Stacking of Inorganic Subnets in Coordination Networks: Metal–Organic Magnetic Multilayers" Inorganic Chemistry., 57(14): 8236–8240. (2018).
Urbain, E., Ibrahim, F., Studniarek, M., Ngassam Nyakam, F., Joly, L., Arabski, J., Scheurer, F., Bertran, F., Le Fèvre, P., Garreau, G., Denys, E., Wetzel, P., Alouani, M., Beaurepaire, E., Boukari, S., Bowen, M., Weber, W. "Cu Metal/Mn Phthalocyanine Organic Spinterfaces atop Co with High Spin Polarization at Room Temperature" Advanced Functional Materials., 28(29): art.n° 1707123. (2018).
Chung, M.W., Chon, G., Kim, H., Jaouen, F., Choi, C.H. "Electrochemical Evidence for Two Sub-families of FeNxCy Moieties with Concentration-dependent Cyanide Poisoning". ChemElectroChem., 5(14): 1880-1885. (2018).
Gobaille-Shaw, G.P.A., Celorrio, V., Calvillo, L., Morris, L.J., Granozzi, G., Fermin, D.J. "Effect of Ba content on the activity of La1-xBaxMnO3 towards the oxygen reduction reaction" ChemElectroChem., 5(14): 1922-1927. (2018).
Pinheiro, J., Lisboa, J., Pombinho, R., Carvalho, F., Carreaux, A., Brito, C., Pöntinen, A., Korkeala, H., dos Santos, N.M.S., Morais-Cabral, J.H., Sousa, S., Cabanes, D. "MouR controls the expression of the Listeria monocytogenes Agr system and mediates virulence". Nucleic Acids Research., on line first (13/07/2018): (2018).
Protat, M., Bodin-Thomazo, N., Malloggi, F., Daillant, J., Campbell, R.A., Fragneto, G., Watkins, E.B., Perrin, P., Pantoustier, N., Guenoun, P. "Neutron reflectivity measurements at the oil/water interface for the study of stimuli-responsive emulsions" European Physical Journal E., 41: art.n° 85. (2018).
Klychnikov, O., Shamorkina, T.M., Weeks, S.D., van Leeuwen, H.C., Corver, J., Drijfhout, J.W., van Veelen, P.A., Sluchanko, N.N., Strelkov, S.V., Hensbergen, P.J. "Discovery of a new Pro-Pro endopeptidase, PPEP-2, provides mechanistic insights into the differences in substrate specificity within the PPEP family" Journal of Biological Chemistry., 293(28): 11154-11165. (2018).
Das, P., Babbar, P., Malhotra, N., Sharma, M., Jachak, G.R., Gonnade, R.G., Shanmugam, D., Harlos, K., Yogavel, M., Sharma, A., Reddy, D.S. "Specific Stereoisomeric Conformations Determine the Drug Potency of Cladosporin Scaffold against Malarial Parasite" Journal of Medicinal Chemistry., 61(13): 5664–5678. (2018).
Coppens, F., Castaldo, G., Debraekeleer, A., Subedi, S., Moonens, K., Lo, A., Remaut, H. "Hop‐family Helicobacter outer membrane adhesins form a novel class of Type 5‐like secretion proteins with an interrupted β‐barrel domain". Molecular Microbiology., on line first (12/07/2018): (2018).