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E.g., 18/11/2024
Huijser, A., Pan, Q., van Duinen, D., Laursen, M.G., El Nahhas, A., Chabera, P., Freitag, L., González, L., Kong, Q., Zhang, X., Haldrup, K., Browne, W.R., Smolentsev, G., Uhlig, J. "Shedding Light on the Nature of Photoinduced States Formed in a Hydrogen-Generating Supramolecular RuPt Photocatalyst by Ultrafast Spectroscopy" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 122(3): 6396–6406. (2018).
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Ben Aziza, Z., Zólyomi, V., Henck, H., Pierucci, D., Silly, M.G., Avila, J., Magorrian, S.J., Chaste, J., Chen, C., Yoon, M., Xiao, K., Sirotti, F., Asensio, M.C., Lhuillier, E., Eddrief, M., Fal'ko, V.A., Ouerghi, A. "Valence band inversion and spin-orbit effects in the electronic structure of monolayer GaSe" Physical Review B., 98(11): art.n° 115405. (2018).
Battiato, M., Minár, J., Wang, W., Ndiaye, W., Richter, M.C., Heckmann, O., Mariot, J.M., Parmigiani, F., Hricovini, K., Cacho, C. "Distinctive Picosecond Spin Polarization Dynamics in Bulk Half Metals" Physical Review Letters., 121(7): art.n° 077205. (2018).
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Dojčilović, R., Pajović, J.D., Božanić, D., Jović, N., Pavlović, V.P., Pavlović, V.B., Lenhardt Acković, L., Zeković, I., Dramićanin, M., Kaščaková, S., Réfrégiers,M., Rašić, G., Vlahović, B., Djoković, V. "DUV fluorescence bioimaging study of the interaction of partially reduced graphene oxide and liver cancer cells". 2D Materials., 5(4): art.n° 045019. (2018).
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